Japanese Friendship Gardens – Phoenix, AZ
May 27, 20101
Here are some photos of our visit to the Japanese Friendship Gardens in Phoenix, Arizona.
This tranquil place is next to a park that covers Interstate 10 for almost a mile as it goes through downtown Phoenix.
Japanese Lantern made of cement.
We especially enjoyed the hundreds of very large and healthy Koi in the pond.
Beautiful trees, rocks and waterfalls are all over the park.
One of hundreds of beautiful Koi.
A few of the hundreds of beautiful Koi.
Another lantern near a waterfall.
One of many waterfalls.
Another view of the largest waterfall in the Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix, AZ.
One of hundreds of Koi with beautiful flowing fins.
One of hundreds of Koi looking for a handout.
About half way through our visit we bought them a bag of food for $1.
Another hungry Koi.
Here’s my wife feeding the Koi (and the ducks).
Look at the go after the food pellets.
A veritable feeding frenzy. Notice the duck getting in on the action.
One more handful for the throng of hungry Koi.
A peaceful ending to a lovely day at this beautiful park.
Please contact me about prints or any other use of these photos.
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