About CopyrightsAll images on this site are protected by U.S. & International copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without the explicit authorization of Garth Catterall. Also, you may NOT download or link to the images on this site, except as noted below. You MAY link to any of the pages on this site. I retain all rights to make copies of any photograph shown on this site. I may or may not have a release from persons or property owners contained in these photos. For this reason I have marked some photos with one of the following symbols: NFS - I know that I need a release to sell these photos. However, I retain the right to display the photos on my website because the Fair Use provision of the Copyright Act allows reproduction and other uses of copyrighted works for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research. These photos are NOT FOR SALE, and they fall into one of these categories. ?© - I am not sure if I need a release for these photos. They seem to be OK for me to sell without a release. If you have knowledge that would indicate otherwise, please contact me. If you have a need for one of these photos, please contact me and I'll do some more research about getting a release. Otherwise, these photos are not for sale. All other photos need no release and are for sale on this website. If you have knowledge that would indicate otherwise, please contact me. You may download and use any of these photos on your website provided you include my copyright notice and a link back to this site. Please do not link directly to the photos. Linking to pages is OK. Photos sold on this site are not for resale or reproduction unless arrangements are made and a suitable additional fee is paid. The exception is if you buy a jpg, you can print the jpg and have it for your personal use. You may not otherwise copy, sell or distribute the jpg. Please contact me at 503-560-1028 for other uses. |
PhotosByGarth is a division of SpiritWorks Software Inc. |